Sunday, 23 August 2015

Zoomzoom to Boxhill

I would not want to miss it again. That is why when David Parkinson, our ride leader, created this provisional event for London Brompton Club (LBC) few weeks ago, I signed up immediately and hoped it will go ahead.  And it did.

Of course I was nervous and the name Box Hill denotes pain and sufferings.  But the lure of fabulous dinner, views and a ride with the crazy people of LBC are enough for me to ignore the negative side of the equation. Also, this ride is in my necks of wood and I thought, whatever happens I can easily get back home.

This is my first time to Box Hill.  As as you know there is always that heightened excitement on anything first time.  ( Yeah.  Now I got you thinking.)  So I did not really know what to expect.  But one thing I am sure of, is that I will have fun. 

I always like Fridays.  Friday gives me a sigh of relief knowing that I made it through the week and that week end

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