Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Cycling 100 km on a Brompton from London to Brighton - A midnight ride

I know what you are thinking.  That I have gone completely insane.

My body timing dictates that I should be going to bed instead of going to Wellington Arch at Hyde Park Corner to meet fellow London Brompton Club members ( LBC ) for a midnight ride from London to Brighton.  The meeting time was 23:45 Friday 19 Oct 2015.

I set my iPhone to make a funny noise to spur me to catch the 23.08 train for a 19 minute trip to London Waterloo train station. Even if I miss this, there is a faster train leaving at 23:16 that would only take 16 minutes.  Either way I will have sufficient time to get to the meeting place.

I allowed myself sufficient time to arrive at my local train station for I still need to pick up from the ticket machine my return ticket from Brighton to London which I pre booked online.  Had I not pre booked, it would have cost me $24.20 instead of $11 only.  It was a worthwhile savings.

As I descended down to platform 1, I noticed this gentleman with a folded Brompton.  I thought, at this time of the day, he can only be going to LBC overnight ride.  I introduced myself.  He replied with a name Harry Fullick.

A feather could have knocked me over.  I was shaking the hand of Mr. Harry Fullick, a mega star of LBC. How lucky could I be.  I have read his posting on Facebook and everyone, men and women, are after him,  all over him, chasing him and wanted him.  I had always been curious why?  Were they after his body or his money?

Well, last night I found out why.  He's got the lot.  He has the body, the money, the looks, the charm and most importantly, he has an unlimited supply of Bromptons.  For sale, though.  I meant the Bromptons - not the body.  He has everything.

I interrogated him while we were on board the train to Waterloo and I successfully gathered that he works with a highly refutable and specialized shop  ( I wish I could mention the name of the shop but unfortunately I have not asked for his permission) that sells Brompton and everything and anything that will make Brompton go like a rocket or a snail, whatever you fancy. I did not quite get his exact title. It could either be CEO or COO ( chief executive/operating officer ), but that is irrelevant.  What is relevant is that he holds a substantial shares in this conglomerate. When Zoom zoom learned of this, Harry became his instant best friend.

Harry and I reached the Wellington Arch on time.  David Parkinson, Anne Marshall, Orange Brompton and Jenny Chung were already there. Within minute Tony Dele appeared which completed our group for this particular night ride.  As always, for me being at Wellington Arch at midnight chatting with LBC people is a priceless moment.  It is historic and a beautiful surrounding.  I felt privileged just for being there.  Londoners often overlooked it but London really is a beautiful city day or night. 

It was a beautiful night, perfect to say the least. Not too cold, no wind, no rain and the forecast was, it will remain to be so through out the night.

And that is another thing I like about the LBC rides.  It does not cost a lot of money to enjoy joining a ride.  The whole event just me cost me just $21.69

Train fare to Waterloo - $3.70
Train fare from Brighton - $11.00
Coffee break $4.00
Full English breakfast $2.99